Tuesday 26 May 2009

Cameron Broken BBC Politics Goes Post-Bureaucratic

Oh, to be in Blighty:
in Britain today a growing culture of rule-following, box-ticking and central prescription robs people of the chance to use their judgement or to take responsibility for making the right decisions.

And an increasingly Orwellian surveillance state - symbolised by the simultaneously ineffective and intrusive ID cards scheme - reminds people that the powers-that-be don't really trust them.

So this compounds the rage that we feel.

We rage that as we go about our business we are picked and poked and bossed around, annoyed and irritated and endlessly harassed by public and private sector officialdom...

...that treats us like children with rules and regulations and directives and laws that no-one voted for, no-one supports, but no-one ever seems to be able to do the slightest thing about.

No trust. No discretion. No judgment.
Astute words from David Cameron, who seems to have caught something essential in the public mood that is eluding Labour and the mainstream media. But...he's a politician salivating at the prospect of being Prime Minister and he'll promise anything he thinks will get him votes.

As Neue Arbeit Macht Frei points out, the central problem is not properly addressed, ie that to regain our national sovereignty and democracy we must leave the EU. Cameron is kite-flying when it comes to the EU - he's the only UK political leader daring to talk about it openly. If the anti-European powder trail catches fire he may end up with something he hadn't bargained on.

Just watched the BBC 6 o'clock news version of events. No mention of the EU, of course, and, in the interest of 'balance', a deft redirection to the line that all the major political parties are urging reform, then back on to the expenses saga.

Cue also the execrable Straw, defending the government's indefensible track record, inviting Cameron to cross-party talks on the issue. He deserves a punch in the face.

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