Sunday 29 March 2009

Jacqui Porn Global Spawn Ponce

If you were married to Jacqui Smith, wouldn't you? Watch porn, I mean, not apologise. Mind you, under the new EU Data Retention directive (Intercept Modernisation) so gleefully embraced by her Jackieboots, all the details of her phone/internet bill will be recorded and stored by the ISP for government attention. So no doubt it would have leaked out at some stage anyway.

What's going on with the Dunfermline Building Society? Jim Faulds, chair of the Society appeared on Channel 4 News tonight in a pretty irate state, basically accusing the Chancellor of lying and saying that the press have been briefing against the Society. Whatever the Westminster government is up to it's all unravelling in full view.

Motor Mouth: Big Brother in Britain: as seen by others (ie Canada).

G20: those pesky foreigners won't play Gordon's game. They must all be well and truly pissed off with this guffoon's constant global poncing about.

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