Monday, 8 December 2008

Remove This Internet Child Porn Kiddy Filth

Some filthy bloody foreigner painted this disgusting piece of 'art' which clearly shows a naked mother and her child engaged in what can only be described as despicable and incestuous acts. What's more, this vile muck is available on the internet for everyone to see.

My investigations have also revealed a similar painting by another foreign sicko trying to pass off his pornographic daubings are 'art', a Mr Lotto:

I can hardly describe the wretchedness of the perverted mind that dreamed up and executed this image of an infant micturating on its mother while she pleasures herself shamelessly via her bosoms.

Something must be done to stop this pollution corrupting innocent minds.

It is time to say 'no' to the liberal paedophile pornographers who promote depravity.

Please support the Internet Watch Foundation's EU-funded bid to clean up the interweb.

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