Saturday, 13 December 2008

Redwood Sees The Trees

Tory MP John Redwood recognises the growing resentment of the public towards government and EU:
Every time the public is allowed a vote they show their scorn and dislike of current EU and UK government policies. The French, Dutch and Irish all voted against the ghastly EU Constitution and its renamed look alike. The people of the North East voted against regional government. The people of Manchester voted against more surveillance cameras and a further tax on motoring. In the latter two cases it was not a marginal decision or a small vote. The feeling was overwhelming, in carefully chosen Labour areas. The people had been beaten up by the Labour propoganda, yet they still voted No.

The frustration with governments is now intense, as they seek more ways to annoy us, and to thwart the popular will. Why will they never learn? They spend a fortune of our money on polling and researching our views, yet when they give us a vote they ignore the result. They should get the underlying message. We want more freedom. We want to keep more of our hard earned money to spend as we see fit.
This also applies to many juries, including that on the Menezes case, which resoundlingly stuck two fingers up at the police and coroner.

I shouldn't think many Labour MPs are in touch enough to understand this resentment. The combination of a collapsing economy, continued government authoritarianism and relentless impositions by the EU is dangerous. A slow-burning fuse has already been lit.

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