Thursday 20 November 2008

Being Sensible For a Moment...More Sex, Whores and Swearing

I am so old I remember this. It would be odd if they get in this time, with even more on the unemployment register than then. Mind you, Thatcher doubled the number within 18 months of gaining office and nobody gave a damn. This time, however, Labour really MUST NOT be allowed to get in.

Something I didn't know about the exploitation of our libraries by OCLC over at Liberal Conspiracy.

Caught a few minutes of the odiously stupid Mrs Smith yesterday maundering on about prostitutes and the white slave trade. What interested me was the prevarication about openly saying there would be a 'blame and shame' approach (the other word for that being 'witch-hunt') by the media. She said it would be 'easier' for the press to get the details of men caught consorting with prostitutes. Sounds like a load of arse trumpeting to me. Besides which, has she or any of her addlebrained advisers ever thought about the effects of posting the details of a client in the press - on family, children, relatives, friends, colleagues? People who are not involved? Does anyone in government have a brain that is in a further stage of evolution than that of an amoeba? No, of course not.

The BNP membership list - couldn't give a fuck. I had the unpleasant experience of coming across members of the BNP and the now defunct National Front 30 years ago in Leeds, when both were quite happy to flaunt their Naziness. Anyone who thinks they're now a party of reasonable principles is a fuckwit.

John Sergeant walking off Strictly Come Dancing? - couldn't give a fuck.

The Devil's Whore: first episode last night. What's going on there, then? I just want a good old historico-political dramatisation of the English Civil War(s) with plenty of Levellers, Diggers and Oliver and his New Model Army sticking it to the Royalists and demanding liberty. And all I get is some not very graphic rumpy-pumpy and the occasional appearance of a long-tongued devil bunged in with a bit of speeded-up history and a leery John Simm talking in incomprehensible mock 17th century English. I bet they don't give John Milton a walk-on part, either, despite all that pamphlet-waving.

Just realised there's a lot of reference to whores in this post. We know the real ones are to be found in Westminster.

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